Transition Work

This page contains the transition work for students who intend to join Didcot Sixth Form in September 2024. It is expected that students complete this work to begin to bridge the gap between the level or challenge at GCSE and A Level. 

Please don't hesitate to get in touch with Mr Cross about any of the work, and he will be able to direct your query to the most appropriate subject specialist. 


Page Downloads Date  
Economics Post Induction Work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
English Language post induction work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
German Post Induction Work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
Further Maths post induction work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
Biology post induction work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
Business post induction work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
Computer Science post induction work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
Dance post induction work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
English Lang Lit Post Induction Work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
English Literature Post Induction Work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
French Post Induction Work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
Geography Post Induction Work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
History China Transition Work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
History Russia Transition Work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
Sociology Post Induction Work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
IB Mandarin Post Induction Work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
Maths Post Induction Work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
Music Post Induction Work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
PE Additional Post Induction Work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
PE Post Induction work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
Photography Post Induction work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
Psychology Post Induction Work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
Spanish Post Induction Work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
Chemistry post induction work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
Media Studies Post Induction Transition... 23rd Jun 2024 Download
Physics Post Induction Work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
Art and Graphics post induction work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
Product Design Post Induction Work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
Religious Studies Post Induction Work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
Sociology Post Induction Work 23rd Jun 2024 Download
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